All items are created by me. I try hard to create items that are as near to perfect as I can. However, that said, these are handmade items and not mass-produced products. There will be imperfections.
Most bags come with 100% leather accents - bag bottoms, straps, etc. Non-leather items are high quality PU leather, bamboo, etc. The bamboo handles are also natural and have natural imperfections.
The other accents are metal - either brass, gold tone or silver tone.
Pricing of each item reflects not only the cost of the yarn and time - but the added accents. The more detail, the higher quality strap - the higher the price. (BUT STILL SO MUCH LESS than at the high-end retail shops.)
Thank you for swinging by to see my stuff, I hope you find something you like!

Crochet is ALL THE RAGE right now. Handbags, shoes, hats are all being sold by high-end retailers across the world.
The prices are extreme - you can get this latest trendy look at a fraction of the price here in my shop!